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Scheduling or Joining a MS Teams Meeting

I. Schedule an online meeting using MS Teams

1. Login MS Teams with your Intranet account and password.
​2. Click the "Calendar" icon on the left menu.


3. Under the Calendar view, double click a timeslot to schedule a new meeting. Or you can press the "+ New Meeting" button at the top right.


4. Select the date and time for the meeting. Add a title, attendees to invite and other relevant information. Press "Send" to send out the meeting invite. 


5. After a meeting is scheduled, it will be added under the Calendar View of MS Teams. All the invited attendees will receive a meeting invite for this meeting through email.

II. Schedule an online meeting using MS Outlook

1. Open MS Outlook and switch to “Calendar” view from the bottom left of the screen.


2. Click “New Teams Meeting”.


3. Add invitees under “To” Field. Add your meeting subject and select the start time and end time.


4. Send out the meeting invitation.

III. Join a MS Teams meeting

To join a MS Teams meeting, you can simply click on the meeting invitation link and select "Join Microsoft Teams Meeting" then choose the option "Join on the web instead".

There are general ways that a user can join a Microsoft Teams meeting.

1. Join Microsoft Teams Meeting by using the Email Invite Link

Click on the link provided in Teams meeting invitation.

(Email invite containing the link to the Microsoft Teams meeting)


2. Joining a Teams Meeting from the Calendar Meeting Invite in Outlook.

If you received the Teams meeting invite as an email in Outlook, the meeting would show in your Outlook calendar, you can click on the meeting invite from the calendar and then click the Join Teams Meeting button on the toolbar. 


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